
Cheap Hotels in Monterey Ca

Less Expensive Hotels in Monterey

You can find quite a few hotels in Monterey and the surrounding areas that are less expensive than what you would find right on the coast with an ocean view. Sure they will not be ocean view but sometimes you just need a nice place to put your head for the night that's not going to cost you an arm and a leg. These less expensive Monterey hotels listed below fit the bill perfectly. Let's face it we don't come to a place like Monterey to spend all of our time or money for that matter in our hotel room. These hotels may not be on the beach but Monterey is not that large of a city so even if they are a little bit inland or on Munras Ave. down by Del Monte Shopping Center which is a very nice mall as several of these hotels are you are not that far from all the attractions of Monterey like the Aquarium, the Wharf, and Dennis the Menace Park.
Hotels Under 100 dollars a Night in Monterey
I'm sure you can find something for yourself or your family on this list. 
 Cheap Monterey hotels
Hotel Super 8      Average nightly rate  $59.00

  Hotel Ramada       Average nightly rate $53.54

 Best Western Hotel               Average nightly rate $89.99
 Days Inn Hotel Hotel    Average nightly rate $55.00

Monterey Bay Lodge               Average nightly rate $ 70.00

  I will earn a few dollars from the hotel room sale or you can book the room directly by booking through the hotel itself by clicking on the links to the actual hotels above. I would try both the link and the actual hotel link and see who will give you the best deal.
Top Beach Destinations     So, there you have it my list of five pretty cheap hotels in Monterey for a weekend getaway that won't break the bank.  Or just a place for the relatives to stay over the holidays so they don't have to stay on your couch again. As you can see all of these are average nightly rates of  less than $100.00 and most under $70.00 so there is something in every ones price range I'm sure. If you would rather you can try one of my Hotels near the Monterey Bay Aquarium. They will cost a little more but you will be closer to the beach and the view will be nicer.

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